Project | Lines of code analyzed | Language |
mupen64plus-video-rice | 181,879 | C/C++ |
mupen64plus-video-z64 | 120,702 | C/C++ |
murlock/oio-sds | 166,899 | C/C++ |
muscariello/hicn | 315,712 | C/C++ |
muscle | 44,810 | C/C++ |
musicbrainz | 40,920 | C/C++ |
musicqueue | 307,676 | C/C++ |
musicwood/sudoku | pending build | C/C++ |
musshorn/xlnt | pending build | C/C++ |
mutt | 84,654 | C/C++ |
mutter | 654,568 | C/C++ |
mututuu/mututu | pending build | C/C++ |
muvarov/odp | 120,686 | C/C++ |
muwasifk/penguin | pending build | C/C++ |
mvasilchuk/yasem-core | pending build | C/C++ |
mvbpolito/dpdk | pending build | C/C++ |
mvukov/acado | 188,061 | C/C++ |
mwalle/jsonrpc | 15,154 | C/C++ |
mweddiewang/sariftest | pending build | C/C++ |
mwichmann/iotivity-mdw | 712,606 | C/C++ |
mwilck/multipath-tools | 77,360 | C/C++ |
mxey/exhaustcp | pending build | C/C++ |
mxklb/commandpattern | pending build | C/C++ |
mxnet | pending build | C/C++ |
mxnet_fork | 1,075,077 | C/C++ |
mxu9/edk2-staging | pending build | C/C++ |
my study char to string | pending build | C/C++ |
my-bluetooth-next | 1,141,468 | C/C++ |
my-genesis-custom-blocks | pending build | C/C++ |
myBitcoinCoreFork | 379,002 | C/C++ |
my_test_drv | 5,220 | C/C++ |
myawan/bfs | 800,099 | C/C++ |
myawan/bfs-1 | 150,581 | C/C++ |
myawan/tera | pending build | C/C++ |
mybnc | pending build | C/C++ |
mybsd | pending build | C/C++ |
mycoffees/T-Clock | pending build | C/C++ |
mydeveloperday/cpp-net-framework | 99,010 | C/C++ |
myfreeweb/weston | pending build | C/C++ |
mygnupg | 240,843 | C/C++ |
myint/perceptualdiff | 44,374 | C/C++ |
mykxc/u-boot | pending build | C/C++ |
mymutt | 87,312 | C/C++ |
mymy | pending build | C/C++ |
myopenssh | 140,467 | C/C++ |
myoukaku/bksge | 429,902 | C/C++ |
myp7zip | 115,876 | C/C++ |
mypaint/libmypaint | pending build | C/C++ |
mypract | pending build | C/C++ |
myproj | pending build | C/C++ |
myproject1 | pending build | C/C++ |
mysecureshell/mysecureshell | 25,059 | C/C++ |
mysecureshell/mysecureshell-3.x | pending build | C/C++ |
mysql-audit | pending build | C/C++ |
myst6re/makoureactor | 195,799 | C/C++ |
mysten-ledger-app-toddf | pending build | C/C++ |
mythes | 34,899 | C/C++ |
myvim | 863,121 | C/C++ |
mzimbres/rtcpp | 66,640 | C/C++ |
mzinin/s2e2.cpp | 127,391 | C/C++ |
n-d-k/CloverBootloader | pending build | C/C++ |
n0kturnal/amidilib | 18,225 | C/C++ |
n7space-canopen-lely-core | 116,866 | C/C++ |
n9wxu/FreeRTOS-Kernel | 23,044 | C/C++ |
nDPI | pending build | C/C++ |
nPOPuk | pending build | C/C++ |
nParse | pending build | C/C++ |
nabbar/golib | pending build | C/C++ |
nabla-c0d3/nassl | pending build | C/C++ |
nachooya/mdnscpp | pending build | C/C++ |
nachos | 34,098 | C/C++ |
nadira | pending build | C/C++ |
nadith/caffe | pending build | C/C++ |
naemon | pending build | C/C++ |
naemon/naemon-core | pending build | C/C++ |
nafur/carl_debug | 9,726 | C/C++ |
nagios-plugins/nagios-plugins | 100,473 | C/C++ |
nagmq | 25,284 | C/C++ |
naitsirhc41/Brute-Hacking-Framework-SourceCode | pending build | C/C++ |
nalexandru/GLaDOS | 210,686 | C/C++ |
nalexandru/NekoEngine | 346,127 | C/C++ |
nalexandru/misaki | 62,785 | C/C++ |
naman28/hello | pending build | C/C++ |
namedun/syslog_fc | pending build | C/C++ |
namhyung/uftrace | 89,804 | C/C++ |
namminh/giay_no | pending build | C/C++ |
nanakaty/DevSec | pending build | C/C++ |
nanamame | 181,590 | C/C++ |
nancytools_40508 | 7,179 | C/C++ |
nandajavarma/glusterfs | 429,658 | C/C++ |
nano | 49,872 | C/C++ |
nanocap | pending build | C/C++ |
nanodbc/nanodbc | 137,554 | C/C++ |
nanomsg/nanomsg | pending build | C/C++ |
nanomsg/nng | pending build | C/C++ |
nanopb | pending build | C/C++ |
nanopoa | 180,120 | C/C++ |
nanoporetech/scrappie | 155,885 | C/C++ |
nanotek | 55,051 | C/C++ |
nanovms/nanos | 20,108 | C/C++ |
nantelope/PCPSover | pending build | C/C++ |
nany-lang/nany | pending build | C/C++ |
napcode/ardour | pending build | C/C++ |
napetrov/daal | 439,932 | C/C++ |
nardinan/miranda | 20,270 | C/C++ |
narke/Iridescence | 17,254 | C/C++ |
narke/Roentgenium | 11,155 | C/C++ |
narsilx/linux_queue_coverity | 10,344 | C/C++ |
narupo/coverity-test | pending build | C/C++ |
narupo/pad | pending build | C/C++ |
nasa/XPlaneConnect | 192,307 | C/C++ |
nasa/cFS | pending build | C/C++ |
nasacj/json2cpp | pending build | C/C++ |
naseschwarz-geo | pending build | C/C++ |
nasifimtiazohi/xbmc | pending build | C/C++ |
nasm | 86,876 | C/C++ |
nathanhi/AVRlarm | 12,257 | C/C++ |
nathanjackson/emukit | 62,787 | C/C++ |
nathantg/cFSJenkins | pending build | C/C++ |
natsmith047/3610Project3 | pending build | C/C++ |
naturlich/zlog | pending build | C/C++ |
nauart/october | pending build | C/C++ |
nauart/skylog | pending build | C/C++ |
nautilus | 267,470 | C/C++ |
nautilus-dropbox | 83,530 | C/C++ |
navaneeth/libvarnam | pending build | C/C++ |
naver/rye | 664,946 | C/C++ |
navit-github | 206,988 | C/C++ |
navit-gps | 178,431 | C/C++ |
naxsi | 115,549 | C/C++ |
naxsi-fork | 116,016 | C/C++ |
nayan-dev/ardupilot | pending build | C/C++ |
naye288/Proyeco-de-seguridad | pending build | C/C++ |
nayutaco/ptarmigan | 511,490 | C/C++ |
nbelakovski/topography_neural_net | pending build | C/C++ |
nbougalis/rippled | 785,615 | C/C++ |
nbruns1/metaSMT | 435,084 | C/C++ |
nbs-system/naxsi | 142,393 | C/C++ |
nbs-system/snuffleupagus | 32,649 | C/C++ |
nbtscan | pending build | C/C++ |
ncareol/nidas | 201,838 | C/C++ |
ncmpc | 160,121 | C/C++ |
ncoden/libft | pending build | C/C++ |
ncollectd | 837,442 | C/C++ |
ncrux/nct | pending build | C/C++ |
ncrux/nmt | pending build | C/C++ |
ncrux/nut | pending build | C/C++ |
ncurses | 157,480 | C/C++ |
ndmitchell/hexml | pending build | C/C++ |
ndob/yarrar | 119,302 | C/C++ |